Become A Property Development Partner

If you are an established developer or building firm with a real estate project that requires development finance or joint-venture funding, contact us today for financing options from our network of lenders, international investors and equity partners.

We may propose joint-venture arrangements that require minimal financial input from you, or it may be a structured debt solution that will best meet your objectives – we work with you to determine the best outcome.

For high quality developments that require finance of 2 million to 50 million, we will appraise your project and propose a funding structure, so you can decide whether to progress with debt, blended funding or a joint-venture partnership.

So if you’re ready to start on your next development project, then you’re ready to get in touch to secure funding!



If you are an established property developer with a quality project that requires an offer of funding – either from an equity partner or by way of tailored development finance – speak to us for a structured finance solution from our network of lenders and professional investors to make your development plans a reality.

When you submit a comprehensive project proposal, we work with the funding network to bring together those who are most suitable to offer terms that best fit with your key funding objective – whether that objective is for fixed rates, flexibility, an equity partner, or a mix!



Your knowledge of the local area in which you operate, along with evidence of having skilled manpower, licenses and insurances, increases the likelihood of a funding solution being proposed.

In a request for finance to receive the support of the funding network, your proposal should include fundamental project viability information, including:

– credible valuations
– a breakdown of costs and a project-plan
– evidence of sales expectations
– profit-on-cost above 25%
– project cost greater than 2m



So who funds my project?

Just as crowd funding is great for small businesses to raise capital from a broad group of people, a network of professional lenders, investors, fund managers and Family Offices, are best placed to support property developers in need of a multi-million pound funding solution.

Buy TheĀ RangeĀ  supports both multi-dwelling residential schemes, and commercial developments with strong lease covenants or a pre-sale commitment.

The ultimate goal? To put together the best finance package for your project.