*The opportunity to make property development finance available via Buy The Range is reserved for professional lenders or experienced investors (have made at least 2 investments in shares, property, or similar in the recent 12 months) or are High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) and can confirm this to Buy The Range . The minimum contribution to an investment that we accept is 20,000. Buy The Range are not financial advisers and are not authorised to give tax or investment advice to the public. We are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and non-regulated property development financing is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Investment in property can carry an element of risk, including loss of the capital you invest. If you do not fully understand the investment opportunity being presented to you, please seek advice from a financial adviser or similar, and if you are still in any doubt then we recommend you do not engage in these financing activities.